In 2022, the Remembering Not to Forget trustees took the difficult decision to start winding up the operations of the charity. Income from 2023 and 2024 was therefore combined into one final round of grants distributed in 2024.

Charity Reg: 297965
BRACE supports dementia research at universities in South West England and South Wales, aiming to help medical science understand the causes of dementia, find ways of diagnosing it earlier and more accurately, and develop more effective treatments. Ultimately, they want to help science beat dementia.
We are pleased to have supported different areas of BRACE’s important work through almost every round of funding. Our final donation was used to contribute to the running costs of the charity.
Wivey Cares

Charity Reg: 1183575
Wivey Cares is a small charity established to link people in Wiveliscombe, Somerset who want support to volunteers and local self-employed people (Micro-Providers) who offer a range of services, such as personal care, companionship, support in the Home, help with paperwork and generic advocacy. We donated to them in 2018 and 2022 to support the establishment of a Memory Cafe in Wiveliscombe.
The Memory Cafe continues to go from strength to strength and we are proud to have supported this vital community resource.