We recognised that accountability and transparency in fundraising are vital. We followed the Fundraising Regulator’s* Code of Fundraising Practice and made the commitments below to our supporters.
*The Fundraising Regulator is the body which sets and maintains the standards for charitable fundraising in the United Kingdom. It ensures that fundraising is respectful, open, honest and accountable to the public.
We were committed to maintaining high standards
- We did all we could to ensure that anyone helping Remembering Not to Forget to raise funds (i.e. trustees and volunteers) complied with the Code and with this Promise.
- We complied with the law of England and Wales, including those laws that apply to data protection, health and safety and the environment.
We were honest and open
- We told the truth and did not exaggerate.
- We did what we said we were going to do. If for any reason we had to change our plans, we let you know.
- We answered all reasonable questions about our fundraising activities and costs.
We were clear
- We were clear about who we were, what we did and where the money you donated went.
- We gave a clear explanation of how you could make a donation and/or amend a regular commitment.
We were respectful
- We respected the rights, dignity and privacy of our supporters and beneficiary organisations.
- We did not put undue pressure on you to make a donation and if you did not want to give, or wished to cease giving, we respected your decision.
- If you told us that you didn’t want us to contact you in a particular way we did not do so.
We were fair and reasonable
- We took care not to use any images or words that caused unjustifiable distress or offence.
- We took care not to cause unreasonable nuisance or disruption.
We were accountable
- If you were unhappy with anything we did whilst fundraising, you could contact us to make a complaint.
- We had a complaints procedure (see below). If we could not resolve your complaint, we accepted the authority of the Fundraising Regulator to make a final adjudication.
Fundraising Complaints Procedure
Remembering Not to Forget welcomed feedback on how we could improve our fundraising processes and we took complaints very seriously.
Read more about the Fundraising Regulator’s guidance on making a complaint about a fundraising approach.